Pillars of the Global Shield Financing Facility

Four Pillars of GSFF


GSFF grants help governments, businesses, and households prepare for and respond to shocks through four pillars of action:

  • Pillar 1. Global engagements, to help achieve the objective of closing the protection gap globally by fostering global goods like data, analytics, and capacity building
  • Pillar 2. Partnerships with humanitarian agencies and civil society organizations, to help ensure that humanitarian response includes risk finance principles
  • Pillar 3. Design and development of integrated financial protection packages, to support countries in implementing CDRFI solutions, with priority for comprehensive programs that can scale both regionally and globally
  • Pillar 4. Private risk capital mobilization, to help close the financial protection gap by strengthening partnerships with industry and working to strengthen domestic markets and enabling access to products offered by risk pools.

